
Haircare tips

Heyaa Bunnies!

So I am reallly excited about my hairgrowth lately..

I used to dye my hair all the time and damage it cuz I got no chill but lately switched to human hair wigs and oh boy it's worth it!!

There are tons of things I changed when taking care of my hair so I wanted to show you♥️

Please remember everyone has a different hairtype and scalptype. Adjust everything accordingly.

Also keep in mind your hair can only grow to a certain level. These tips will help to stretch your hairgrowth to the max potential.

Back in March when I hit the max damage (after bleaching my hair with 30 volume like the hundred time within a couple weeks). Plus I had henna underneath...my hair literally melted off.

Back in August I cut off everything bleached and dyed. My hair is only natural now.
I lifted my hair on the second pic to show growth.
Also yay my melody pjs in both pics lmao.

My hair and scalp

I naturally have very frizzy wavy/curly hair.

I used to have natural curls when I was 18/19 but I haven't seen them since but they are wavy at last.

Back then I used to let them airdry and didn't comb them until dry (only used shampoo as well), that's how I know they are curly.

Tgis pic is from 2018!!!
So yes wavy/curly maybe.

I do get dandruff, ...fast.

I normally don't have any but as soon as I stop taking care of it. Boom. Dandruff straight from hell.

So permanent or tight hairstyles like sew-ins are almost impossible for me to maintain.
After like 2 weeks I had to remove my sew-ins again cuz things were getting ugly.
(My scalp even started to bleed once under the dandruff)

So here are the things that I do and that work for me:


You don't even need expensive bottles!!
I looked up what oils are good for your head and apparently olive oil is good for dandruff.
I. Am. In. Love.

Hairgrowth starts from the scalp so let's make sure the new hairgrowth is strong and mositurized.

Just put some drops of oil on your scalp 1-3 hours before washing it and massage them in.
Make sure to massage your scalp not your hair which is tricky. If it makes rubbing noises, you are massaging your hair.
Imagine it as if you are punctually putting slight rotating pressure on it.

The first few times oiling causes the contrary of what you want. You will experience hairloss.
Oh man that was the scariest thing ever, I lost so much hair.

Because it will get rid of weak hair, making room for new hairgrowth.

Right now I barely loose any hair like omg, I could count them. It's literally nothing.

Oiling has to be used continually.
Because well, hair doesn't grow over night right?
It takes a couple months until you see a difference but it is sooo good. Keep going.

I didn't do oiling when I still had bleached hair.
I started doing it after I cut it off and it sped up my growth dramatically.

When I am running with my fingers through my scalp it is crazy how thick it is...
It. Doesn't. Stop. Growing.

It even took care of my few bald spots I had.

Scalp Scrubs

Talking about the roots.

Just like the rest of the body, the upper layer of skin sheds. Or similiar, idk I am not a scientist but you understand what I mean.

If you don't get rid of it, it might clog your pores.

In the beginning I used coffee powder.
Y'know after you made a coffee, instead of putting it in the trash use it on your head.
Coffein ➡️ faster hairgrowth.

Currently I use a coconut scrup specifically for dandruff from Vita Coco.
It's without silicones.
I do a scalp scrub once a week.


All the products you use on your hair.
As much as they can help...it also weighs your hair down plus all the nutritients and moisture you want to add, won't break through at some point.

Detox shampoos are almost non-existent here in my area...even online it's verry hard to find some.

Currently I like to use this one.

I detox once every two weeks.

Double shampooing

Especially when your hair is covered in oil, it takes longer to shampoo it out.
But after I started double shampooing, my hair doesn't get greasy as fast and it feels fresh and not dry at all.
After oiling I wet my hair first, take 1 pump and rub it between my hands to make it foamy.
I put one hand in the front and the other on the back of my head to cover the whole head and still not use too much product.
Since there is oil in your hair, the foam will go away quickly.

My hair got longer and to protect the ends from drying out I cover it in conditioner.
Normally conditioner should not be put on roots but I am shampooing it anyway.
You can do the same method with long hair.
I like to use a mask for my wigs and leave it in for like 3 minutes for shampooing again and then use a conditioner on the lengths.

This is the second shampoo I use.
I also mixed some rosmary essential oils in it.
Rosemary➡️Faster hairgrowth

Drying it

I always thought airdrying your hair is better because of the heat damage that's caused by a dryer.
Turns out I was wrong.
Wet hair is more fragile and swells up, leading to breakage when put under stress.
I even went to sleep with wet hair.
That explains why I always had tons of hairs on my pillow.
First I put in a leave-in.
I try to only catch my lengths.
Which is not easy with this short hair but I am trying my best.
I then use my wet detangler from tangle teezer to brush through my hair.
If you have long hair, start from the bottom and work your way up.
Always use heat protectors.
It is the key to using heat with as less damage as possible. Again I am brushing through my hair.
I put my dryer on medium heat and dry my hair fully.


Oiling before on your scalp makes your hair stronger and makes it grow. Oiling your lengths afterwards is giving your hair the moisture it needs.
I really love this spray.
My hair is still very short and ot makes it possible to spray oil on my lengths without touching the roots.
Oil can attract dirt and clog your pores.

Everything else that is good to know

1. I am wearing bonnets to sleep. Friction gets reduced, so less hairdamage.

2.Wash your hairbrushes. Imagine putting on a dirty top on fresh washed skin. It's the same here. 

3.do not wear tight hairstyles or elastics. (Or at least not often)

4. Protect it from wind, heat and cold. Because I am wearing wigs, it's always protected.

5. Keep styling to a minimum. Including mousses, hairspray etc.

6. Use microfibre towels.

7. Massaging the scalp promotes hairgrowth.

8.Don't get frightened by silicones/sulfates. Silicones lay around your hair and build a stronger structure leading to less breakage if you have fine hair. Just make sure to not use it on your scalp (clogs pores) and to remove it (detox) to prevent buildup. Hairdressers use products with silicones in it and all heat protecters have it. It makes you think. Sulfate is what cleans your hair, but could also dry out your hair, especially your lengths. That's why curly hair products are usually sulfate free as it tends to be on the drier side. Sulfates are for example also in soap and shower gels.
The ones I read the most is Dimethicone and Sodium Lauryth Sulfate (SLS). 
If you are interested in the topic you can look it up, there are more.

9. Use the right hairbrushes. I have a wet detangler, a wood brush and a boar brush. (And a comb for styling of course).

10. Healthy hair comes within. Make sure to eat your vitamins. You don't need to eat pills if you are not suffering under a lack of some sort.
Bananas, eggs, avocado, nuts etc. are very good for healthy hair.

Honestly, I can't think of anything else in the moment
 I hope you find my tips as helpful.

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